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Open source design: claiming ownership over design conventions

29 January 2019 | 2 Comments Luc Kickken

Design sameness Inspiration is at the heart of design. When we – as designers – try to solve a problem, we tend to look at what others do. We are often tempted to copy what other companies or websites are doing. This is because of their authority: “I’m following Material Design to the letter because …

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Open source design: claiming ownership over design conventions

Reaching higher together: how we all benefit from open source

30 November 2018 | 5 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

You may know this open source fanatic as WordPress Core Contributor or esteemed speaker on WordCamps and other conferences. Today, Software Engineer & WordPress Consultant Alain Schlesser shares the details of his first experiences with open source and how to learn from, as well as contribute to open source projects. And, he is clear on …

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Reaching higher together: how we all benefit from open source

Open source: reducing boundaries and creating opportunities

9 November 2018 | 4 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

“I love that WordPress allows you to raise your voice, no matter who you are, and where you are located.” That’s just one of the many inspiring quotes of Carole Olinger, our third interviewee in this series on open source. Carole is Community Manager at Plesk, and a true WordPress Community junkie. Learn why she …

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Open source: reducing boundaries and creating opportunities

Start contributing to open source: Pro tips from Felix

28 September 2018 | 1 Comment Marieke van de Rakt

Two weeks ago, Joost shared his vision on open source. Today, we introduce yet another WordPress fanatic: Felix Arntz. As a freelancer Felix works part-time for Yoast. Half of that time he’s working on and consulting with the SEO plugin, and the other half Yoast sponsors him to contribute to WordPress core, mainly focusing on …

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Start contributing to open source: Pro tips from Felix

A big shout-out to open source

14 September 2018 | 7 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

WordPress is open source. Yoast SEO is open source. At Yoast, we’re open source fanboys (and fangirls). We’ve talked about it, we’ve written about it, we’ve even made a digital story about it. Still, lots of people don’t know why open source is so unique. Or what open source software is. That’s why we’re starting …

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A big shout-out to open source

New release: Yoast SEO for TYPO3 2.0

14 February 2018 | 11 Comments Maria Garefalaki

It’s with great pleasure that we announce the release of Yoast SEO for TYPO3 2.0. This brand new version includes functional and technical changes, making the extension easier to use and more complete! It’s now available on the TYPO3 Extension Repository, on Packagist and Github. The new version has been a team effort, and many people …

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New release: Yoast SEO for TYPO3 2.0

Hot off the press: Yoast SEO for TYPO3 1.3

13 December 2017 | 1 Comment Edwin Toonen

While Yoast SEO is mostly known for its WordPress plugin, we are in the process of branching out. We support several plugins for other platforms, like Magento 2. One of those platforms, the large-scale open source CMS TYPO3, received a brand new version of Yoast SEO today. In Yoast SEO for TYPO3 1.3, you’ll find …

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Hot off the press: Yoast SEO for TYPO3 1.3